
Import functions, enums, traits, classes and variables from modules in other packages with from <module> import <name>.

Import functions, enums, traits, classes and variables from modules in current package with from .<module> import <name>. One . per directory level.

Use from <module> import <name> as <new-name> to use a custom name.

  • Imports are private. They cannot be exported.

  • Circular imports are allowed.

  • A module is private if its name or any directory in its path starts with an underscore.

  • A private module can only be imported from by other modules in the same package.

  • Imports from modules within the same package must be relative.

Here are a few examples:

from mypkg1 import func1                   # Imports from mypkg1/src/lib.mys.
from mypkg2.subpkg1.mod1 import func2 as func3
from mypkg2 import Class1
from mypkg2 import var1
from ..mod1 import func4                   # Imports from ../mod1.mys.
from ...subpkg2.mod1 import func5          # Imports from ../../subpkg2/mod1.mys.
from . import func6                        # Imports from lib.mys in the same
                                           # folder.
# from mypkg2._mod1 import func7           # Not allowed as _mod1 is private.
# from mypkg2._subpkg1.mod1 import func8   # Not allowed as _subpkg1 and all its
                                           # content is private.
from ._mod1 import func7                   # Imports from private _mod1.mys.
from ._subpkg1.mod1 import func8           # Imports from private _subpkg1/mod1.mys.

func foo():