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An implementation of the HTTP protocol in the Mys programming language.

Project: https://github.com/mys-lang/package-http


http — Various HTTP helpers

class HttpError(Error):
    message: string
class Response:
    status_code: i64
    headers: {string: string}
    content: bytes
func get(host: string,
         port: i64 = 80,
         path: string = "/",
         secure: bool = False,
         headers: {string: string} = {},
         check: bool = True) -> Response:
    Get given path from given address.
func post(host: string,
          content: bytes?,
          port: i64 = 80,
          path: string = "/",
          secure: bool = False,
          headers: {string: string} = {},
          check: bool = True) -> Response:
    Post given path and content to given address.

http.header_parser — Header parser

class Request:
    A HTTP request.

    method: string
    path: string
    query: string?
    params: {string: string}
    fragment: string?
    headers: {string: string}
func parse_request(header: bytes) -> Request:
    Parse given request header.
func parse_request(header: bytes, size: i64) -> Request:
    Parse given request header.
func parse_query(value: string) -> {string: string}:
    Parse given parameters and return them as a dictionary.

http.server — A HTTP server

enum Status(i64):
    HTTP response status codes.

trait Route:
    A route.

    func on_get(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        Handle a GET request.

    func on_post(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        Handle a POST request.

    func on_delete(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        Handle a DELETE request.
trait Response:
    A response.

    func write(self, client: Client):
        Write the response to the client.
class ResponseError(Error):
    status: Status
class Request:
    method: string
    path: string
    query: string
    params: {string: string}
    fragment: string
    headers: {string: string}
    matches: [string]?
class StringResponse(Response):
    status: Status
    data: string

    func __init__(self, data: string, status: Status = Status.Ok):

    func write(self, client: Client):
class FileResponse(Response):
    status: Status
    path: Path
    begin: i64?
    end: i64?

    func __init__(self,
                  path: Path,
                  status: Status = Status.Ok,
                  begin: i64? = None,
                  end: i64? = None):

    func write(self, client: Client):
class EmptyResponse(Response):
    status: Status

    func __init__(self, status: Status = Status.Ok):

    func write(self, client: Client):
class Server:
    A HTTP server.

    func __init__(self):

    func add_route(self, path: string, route: Route):
        Add a route for given path.

    func add_route_regex(self, path: regex, route: Route):
        Add a route for given path.

    func serve(self, port: i64):
        Serve HTTP requests.