discord test stars


Networking in the Mys programming language.

Project: https://github.com/mys-lang/package-net


TCP client

from net.tcp.client import Client

func main():
    client = Client()
    client.connect("localhost", 5858)
    data = client.read(3)
    print(f"Got: {data}")

TCP server

from net.tcp.server import Server

func main():
    server = Server()
    client = server.accept()
    data = client.read(3)
    print(f"Got: {data}")


TCP client

class Client(Reader):

    func __init__(self):

    func is_connected(self) -> bool:
        Returns true if conencted to the server, false otherwise.

    func connect(self, host: string, port: i64):
        Connect to a server using given `host` and `port`. Reconnects
        if already connected.

    func disconnect(self):
        Disconnect from the server.

    func write(self, data: bytes):
        Write data to the server. Never blocks. Raises an error if disconnected.

    func read(self, size: i64) -> bytes:
        Read data from the server. Always returns size number of bytes,
        unless the connection was closed, in which case the remaining
        data is returned.

TCP server

class Client(Reader):

    func __init__(self):

    func is_connected(self) -> bool:
        Returns true if conencted to the server, false otherwise.

    func disconnect(self):
        Disconnect from the server.

    func write(self, data: bytes):
        Write given data to the server. Never blocks. Raises an error if

    func read(self, size: i64) -> bytes:
        Read data from the server. Always returns size number of bytes,
        unless the connection was closed, in which case the remaining
        data is returned.

    func try_read_into(self, data: bytes, offset: i64, size: i64) -> i64:
        Try to read data from the server into given buffer. Returns number
        of read bytes, which is at least one and at most given size
        bytes, unless the connection was closed, in which case the
        remaining number of bytes is returned.
class Server:
    A TCP server, listening for clients to connect.

    func __init__(self):

    func listen(self, port: i64):
        Start listening for clients to connect to given `port` on any

    func accept(self) -> Client:
        Wait for a client to connect and return it.

UDP socket


UDP sockets are not yet implemented!

class Socket:

    func __init__(self):

    func bind(self, port: i64):
        Bind the socket to given local port. Used both when sending and
        receiving packtes.

    func connect(self, host: string, port: i64):
        Connect the socket to given remote host and port. Sent packages are
        sent to this address by default.

    func send(self, data: bytes):

    func send_to(self, data: bytes, host: string, port: i64):
        Send given data to given address.

    func receive(self) -> bytes:

    func receive_from(self) -> (bytes, string, i64):

Secure TCP client


Not yet implemented!

class Client(Reader):
    A secure TCP client using SSL/TLS.

    func __init__(self, context: SecureContext = SecureContext()):

    func is_connected(self) -> bool:
        Returns true if conencted to the server, false otherwise.

    func connect(self, host: string, port: i64):
        Connect to a server using given `host` and `port`.

    func disconnect(self):
        Disconnect from the server.

    func write(self, data: bytes):
        Write data to the server.

    func read(self, size: i64) -> bytes:
        Read data from the server. Always returns size number of bytes,
        unless the connection was closed, in which case the remaining
        data is returned.