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Various string utilities in the Mys programming language.

Project: https://github.com/mys-lang/package-string

String builder example

A basic example that creates a string from numbers and strings.

from string import StringBuilder

func main():
    builder = StringBuilder()
    builder += "Temperature: "
    builder += 5
    builder += 'C'

    assert builder.to_string() == "Temperature: 5 C"

String reader example

A basic example that uses the string reader class to get characters from a string.

from string import StringReader

func main():
    reader = StringReader("kalle kula")
    assert reader.peek() == 'k'
    assert reader.get() == 'k'
    assert reader.get() == 'a'
    assert reader.read(3) == "lle"
    assert reader.get() == ' '
    assert reader.read() == "kula"
    assert reader.get() == ''
    assert reader.peek() == ''
    assert reader.read() == ""
    assert reader.read(100) == ""
    assert reader.available() == 1
    assert reader.get() == 'a'
    assert reader.get() == ''


class StringError(Error):
    message: string
class StringBuilder:
    Easily create a string from strings and numbers.

    func __init__(self):

    func +=(self, data: string):
        Append given string.

    func +=(self, data: char):
        Append given character.

    func +=(self, data: i8):
        Append given interger.

    func +=(self, data: i16):
        Append given interger.

    func +=(self, data: i32):
        Append given interger.

    func +=(self, data: i64):
        Append given interger.

    func +=(self, data: u8):
        Append given unsigned interger.

    func +=(self, data: u16):
        Append given unsigned interger.

    func +=(self, data: u32):
        Append given unsigned interger.

    func +=(self, data: u64):
        Append given unsigned interger.

    func to_string(self) -> string:
        Returns a string of current data.

    func length(self) -> i64:
        Get current string length.

    func clear(self):
        Clear everything.

    func clear_from(self, offset: i64):
        Clear everything after given offset.
class StringReader:
    A string reader.

    func __init__(self, data: string):

    func available(self) -> i64:
        Returns number of available characters.

    func seek(self, pos: i64):
        Seek given position relative to the beginning of the string.

    func tell(self) -> i64:
        Tell current position in the string.

    func get(self) -> char:
        Get the next character. Returns '' if there are no more characters

    func peek(self) -> char:
        Peek at the next character.

    func read(self, size: i64 = -1) -> string:
        Read zero or more characters. Give size as -1 to read everything.

    func unget(self):
        Unget last character.
func pretty(data: string) -> string:
    Try to make given object dump string pretty by inserting newlines
    and indentations based on brackets, parentheses, strings,
    characters and commas.
func indent(text: string, prefix: string = "    ") -> string:
    Add given prefix to the beginning of given lines.

    The prefix is added to all lines that do not consist solely of
func join_or(items: [string]) -> string:
    Join all items in given list as "item1, item2, item3 or item4".
func join_and(items: [string]) -> string:
    Join all items in given list as "item1, item2, item3 and item4".