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Date and time in the Mys programming language.

Project: https://github.com/mys-lang/package-time


Just print dates and times.

from time.system import now as system_now
from time.steady import now as steady_now
from time import LocalDateTime
from time import UtcDateTime

func main():
    print("system_now():    ", system_now())
    print("steady_now():    ", steady_now())
    print("LocalDateTime(): ", LocalDateTime())
    print("UtcDateTime():   ", UtcDateTime())

Build and run.

 mys run
 Reading package configuration (0 seconds)
 Building (0.22 seconds)
system_now():     Time(seconds=1617085725, nanoseconds=591346000)
steady_now():     Time(seconds=2147009, nanoseconds=643340000)
LocalDateTime():  2021-03-30 08:28:45
UtcDateTime():    2021-03-30 06:28:45 UTC



class TimeError(Error):
    message: string
class Time:
    Time in seconds and nanoseconds.

    seconds: i64
    nanoseconds: i32

    func !=(self, other: Time) -> bool:

    func >(self, other: Time) -> bool:

    func >=(self, other: Time) -> bool:

    func <=(self, other: Time) -> bool:

    func +=(self, other: Time):

    func -=(self, other: Time):

    func +(self, seconds: i64) -> Time:

    func -(self, seconds: i64) -> Time:
class LocalDateTime:
    Date and time in the local time zone.

    year: i32
    month: u8
    day: u8
    hour: u8
    minute: u8
    second: u8
    is_daylight_saving_time: bool

    func __init__(self, time_since_epoch: Time? = None):
        Create a local date time object from given time since epoch. Uses
        current system time if time_since_epoch is None.

    func to_time_since_epoch(self) -> Time:
        Return this date and time as time since epoch.
class UtcDateTime:
    Date and time in UTC.

    year: i32
    month: u8
    day: u8
    hour: u8
    minute: u8
    second: u8

    func __init__(self, time_since_epoch: Time? = None):
        Create a UTC date time object from given time since epoch. Uses
        current system time if time_since_epoch is None.

    func to_time_since_epoch(self) -> Time:
        Return this date and time as time since epoch.

System time

func now() -> Time:
    Get the current time of system clock. This is commonly referred to
    as Unix time.

    This clock is affected by discontinuous jumps.

Steady time

func now() -> Time:
    Get the current time of steady (monotonic) clock.

    This clock is not affected by discontinuous jumps.